What do you miss when you’re on the road?

Wanderlust blogger Alastair Humphreys has begun his row across the Atlantic. Before he left, he revealed what he thinks he’ll miss the most

Alastair Humphreys
17 January 2012

I know Wanderlust is not about expeditions, but the feeling of getting ready to go on a trip is the same for all of us. What I look forward to before a trip depends very much on what sort of trip it is. But the things that I miss when I’m travelling seem to remain the same. I am sure that everyone would have their own similar list.

Family and friends, of course – though I am guilty of not appreciating them enough until I am on the other side of the world… Good coffee; newspapers and Radio 4; the good parts of English weather; the changing seasons; running; book shops.

I am about to depart to row across the Atlantic Ocean. It is unlike any trip I have done in that I am not heading to a new country. I am leaving all countries behind for two months out in the untouched, unchanged environment of the sea. I appreciate that Wanderlust readers are interested in interesting cultures and countries, not two months in a tiny rowing boat. So I will not elaborate on this trip here.

Before I leave I am trying to imagine what things I will miss the most. It’s an interesting exercise before big trips because I often find that when I am away the things that I thought I would miss are not, in fact, quite so important. It is often quite surprising what I actually miss.

Here then are my predictions for what I will savour the most after two months at sea: Green trees and plants; hills and different horizons; cold beer and coke; a shower; a bed; standing on a flat, motionless surface; being dry; different faces and voices; a variety of smells and sounds; fresh bread.

What do you miss when you’re away? What do you appreciate more when you get back home? Let me know in the comments section below.

Check out Alastair’s official website here: www.alastairhumphreys.com, for more information about this and other expeditions.

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